Photography Talk 1, Manual Modes

Photography Talk 1, Manual Modes

- We See People & Products in a New Light -

What are P, A, S and M?

Lets find out...
Short Answer:

They are your options of manual modes.

Long Answer:

See next section...

To find out more about our Private Photography Coaching...

P = Stands for Professional (yes, Im just joking) it stands for Program.

In the Program mode the camera will automatically choose both the shutter speed and aperture for you. So how come it’s a manual mode? Because you can still manually operate the rest of your camera; such as autofocus- colours- and drive modes.

A or AV = Aperture Priority; You set the aperture and the Camera Automatically sets the Shutter Speed.

This is the most common mode to start off with, since the aperture controls your Depth Of Field; what is sharp in your image. In a nutshell; the greater Aperture number the longer Depth of Field, the smaller Aperture number the shorter Depth of Field. 


S or Tv = Shutter Speed Priority; You set the Shutter Speed and the Camera Automatically sets the Aperture.

This option is commonly used for moving subjects; such as moving cars, sports, kids playing and animals. A greater Shutter Speed will free your subject white a slower Shutter Speed can give a motion blurry effect. 


M = Manual, You control the Aperture And the Shutter Speed.

Please note that this mode does not mean manual focus (common misconception) If you are struggling it could be a good idea to leave your ISO set to Automatic while learning how to operate M. Be aware that by doing so the Camera will override any mistakes you may do with the exposure by adjusting the ISO. Using Utopia’s ISO may make it harder to understand how the Shutter Speed and Aperture compliment each other. Simply see what works best for you. 🙂  

Samples of what we do; business and promotional portraits, high-end products.

Next Month Photography Talk; How to use the inbuilt light meter in your camera or mobile phone; how to correctly under and over expose your images!

Private Photography Coaching:

60min $99
5 x 60 min $399

90min $129
5 x 90 min $515

Duo Classes available upon request for you and your friend! 

Visual Showcase


How do we operate during Lockdown Level 3?

We are being a bit more materialistic oriented during lockdown Level 3! This means we are shining some amazing light on things like product photography, interior and exterior, renovations and product installations.
Mt Eden at Night
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Next Coffee Scrub Promotional Material
Samples of what we do; business and promotional portraits, high-end products.

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Photo by Ida Larsson, White Lynx Photography